DJANGO DEPLOYMENT BEST PRACTICES: How to deploy your project using AWS and Railwayapp

  • General Python, Web/DevOps
  • Long Talk
  • Beginner

  • Tim Olayemi
    Junior Software Engineer



    As it is not industry best practice to manage user file upload using your project root directory, I'll be showing attendees the industry way using Amazon's simple storage service (S3 bucket) and also Railway app which is a new platform service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely on the cloud.

    Sika, is a web based platform that bridges the gap between house seekers and house owners here in Accra, a platform where owners of houses sign up with images and a few description about the house on rent, it is built entirely on the Django framework, with basic CSS and HTML for the frontend this application will be used as the demo for this talk

    FOR WHOM IS THIS TALK Beginner or an intermediate Django developer, for the purpose of this talk a beginner or an intermediate is one who is already comfortable with building with Django, has built a few projects from tutorials, or personnal projects but might be experiencing some difficulty deploying these projects or looking maybe looking for alternatives to Heroku as they are about ending their free trier packages.

    WHAT IS REQUIRED FROM ATTENDEES An account on Github, Railwayapp and AWS Libraries to be installed • pip install django-environ • pip install boto3 • pip install django-storages • pip install gunicorn

    WHAT ATTENDEES WILL LEARN At the end of this talk you be able to deploy a Django project on Railwayapp or any PaaS as most of these cloud platforms have similar configurations for deploying projects with very minor or irrelevant differences. You’ll also learn the importance of having an environment variable and how to setup one before committing your code to a version control as this is a very crucial practice that most beginners/intermediate ignore.

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